Being consistent will always be the most important factor in your success. If something is important to you then it needs to be done every day. How do you know what is important? What are your goals? Where do you want to end up?
Once you know the answers to the questions above you then need to realize that you have do not control over outcomes. What you do have control over are the behaviors that will lead you to where you want to go. In most cases, these are your daily behaviors. Things you do every single day.
Important Note: Sometimes what holds us back is this idea that we need to be perfect, to have the best workout or training session everything single time. If we don’t, then it is not worth doing. It is an “all or nothing mentality” that holds us back and creates inaction.
I follow a specific rule I picked up from the book “Atomic Habits”. I have behaviors I want and need to do every single day. I want to be 100 percent in these actions but that is not completely realistic. So instead I follow the rule “never miss twice”. This simply means never miss doing my behavior or habit two days in a row. One day is ok. Two days is not.
If you miss two days then you start down that slippery slope. Two days quickly becomes a week and then a month and then three months.
So decide what you want your outcome to be and then figure out the daily behaviors to get you there. Be consistent enough to never miss two days in a row.
– Coach Marty